Every summer there seems to be a special occasion or family event on the cards, whether it be a big birthday meal or a gorgeous summer wedding. This year, I had my boyfriend's graduation to attend, and being a typical girl I was planning my outfit weeks ahead of the event. I knew exactly what I wanted, but searching shops and websites for my perfect outfit ended up very unsuccessful. So, as always, I decided to just do it myself. After some lengthy searches on the Internet I managed to order a couple of patterns to guide me through and bought some gorgeous crepe back satin material in an ivory colour. A tiring two day stint and a lot of help from my very skilled mother, I had my perfect outfit completely finished! And I have to say, it looked lovely, I couldn't have been happier with the end result. In fact, it looked so good, I'm now in the process of making my boyfriend's mum the exact same outfit for a wedding in September! I see a future business on the cards.. ;)